
Podcasters Podcast – Episode 008 – Josh Stanton – Screw the Nine to Five

June 12, 2018
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Wow, what an awesome guest to have on the show! Josh and Jill Stanton are powerhouses in the online business space. Whether its blog posts, webinars, Facebook groups, or podcasts these two are kicking ass and taking names!

I have been part of their paid group “Screw U” for a few years now and every bit of it is worth the cost.

Josh Stanton was very generous and gave me a little of his time to talk about the re-launch of their podcast and to just chat about some cool things!

Josh Stanton is the co-founder of Screw The Nine To Five—him and his wife, Jill’s slice of the internet where they help entrepreneurs build more attention to their brands, make more money in their business and get more out of their life through simple strategies, how to’s and behind-the-scenes glimpses into the realities of building a business online.

He’s got a serious love for travel, an unhealthy obsession with pugs and has been known to indulge in a rugby binge-watching session or two.

I think one of the major takeaways from this show is that as a podcaster, you are competing against over 100 years of broadcasting! They have learned a thing or two and you should take some lessons from them. Josh gave me some awesome advice that I will now do from this point forward: A lot of podcasters will ask the guest where can they be found but really as a host, that is your job! You shouldn’t have to ask your guest that question because you should have done it for them through the show.

And speaking of that… here is all the contact information you could ever need for Josh 🙂


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