
Pippa.io Vs Libsyn: How do they stack up?

June 25, 2018
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So, a lot of people always ask in the podcasting groups on Facebook about podcast hosts. For a very long time I always used Libsyn. They have pretty decent prices and they seem to be a regular choice that is out there. I have never really had any major complaints with them. From time to time, I would think about how their UI could use some updating but overall it worked and the Podcast’s were published.

The Pippa came on the scene. They did a really great job of contacting what seems like everyone. Emails from the CEO and other staff and ads seemed to be the main source of marketing. Then word of mouth started to catch on. Because I help out in several podcast communities, this question would come up over and over.

So like any decent human that believes that the scientific method is a good way to test things, I did just that. I went to their website and I was greeted with a message from Abby. Abby is a Customer Experience Manager and she is damn good at her job.

We chatted for close to an hour. She walked me through all my questions and even gave me some hookups. As I walked through the Pippa UI, I was blown away. Everything was just convenient. It was less clicks to get things done and other parts like distribution were all in one place. I didn’t even know that Deezer was a podcast directory (I hadn’t even heard of it) until Pippa showed me that it was a place I can publish my podcast to.

The upload process and show management process ran smoother and there is even a “Transcribe” feature that mostly works. I also can talk like a boxer that was hit in the mouth from time to time so I don’t know if I can hold it 100% responsible for it’s actions.

She gave me permission to publish our conversation and I also feel this will help others when thinking about their podcast host.

I will do my best to mark who is speaking when, it was a copy and paste job… Gray background with black text is Abby and green background with white text is me.


Hi there! Welcome to Pippa.
Have a look around! Let us know if you have any questions.


Hello, I do have some questions.




What can I help you with?


So, it really sounds like a no-brainer


sorry I know they are more statements and less queastions




so whats the catch? what features would I be looksing from Libsyn sompared to you guys?


sorry for the spelling…


Oh sure!


We have TONS of folks switch from Libsyn,


What features would I loose comparing your $12/mo to their $20/mo plan


happy to tell you why


Oh haha, you’ll get way more from us


go for it. I’m not married to them but they have never done me wrong


I’ve got a whole thing prepared—you ready?


go for it 🙂


I’d be glad to give you the reasons that Libsyn users switch to Pippa. I’d say they fall into four main areas.
1. Pippa is really, really delightful to use. Every podcaster I’ve spoken with is thrilled to move away from Libsyn to a clean and simple user experience, where the main functions are front-and-center, and they can focus on crafting great content.
2. Our up-to-the-minute analytics. I’m sure you saw Libsyn’s announcement that they had been dramatically over-reporting their numbers; disappointing news. Pippa’s team has deep technical expertise from working at TED and IHeartRadio on their web and analytics services, and we believe that it’s critically important for podcasts to get accurate stats. If you’re interested, you can read our guidelines for podcast measurement, our commitment to razor sharp (and transparent) reporting.
3. Our support. We genuinely work hard to help our podcasters grow, and we respond swiftly to every question or issue they have; just like I’m doing here 🙂
4. Our ad services. Many of our podcasters want to monetize their shows with ads. We work with some awesome brands to match them with Pippa’s podcasters.




one sec while I ready that 🙂


ok thats awesome. Can you give me the name of a podcast or two that is a client or a directory list so I can see examples of your player and show page?


duh, that probably the “shows” link….


haha no worries 🙂


And sure, we have lots of documentation and examples



wow, ok last set of questions. the Free plan. States 5 new episodes. so is that like period or over a specific time?


The Starter Plan is intended for folks who are new to podcasting, to help them get started. You can create 5 new episodes for free.

After that point, you’re a “real” podcaster 🙂 and so you’d be ready for the Growth Plan.

If you already have a podcast, then the Growth Plan is the one you’ll want since it will let you import all your episodes to Pippa.


like can I do 5 episodes then like x time latter upload more, or it’s 5 and done. like a trial


Yeah, since you already have a podcast, then the Growth Plan is the one you’ll want since it will let you import all your episodes to Pippa. You’ll get two weeks free trial.


So no size limits?


like I could have unlimited 500mb shows?




Most people use the Apple Podcasts app to listen to podcasts. Apple has set the file limit to 150MB for all files downloaded over a cellular connection (including apps, ebooks, and videos). When your listeners try to play your episode, they are greeted with a pretty unhelpful message—”episode unavailable”—which is a frustrating experience. To help our podcasters avoid this issue, we set the internal limit to 150MB also.
To make your file smaller, use your audio editing software (like Garageband or Audacity) to export the episode audio file at a lower bitrate. Choose to export at 128kbps MP3.


I’m not doing that, I was asking because of the words used. Also someone like Tim Ferriss has a long form 2-3 hour podcast and he does great. They can be large files


3 hours is still under 150MB




cool 🙂


And this is just general guidance—we’re trying to be helpful as you create a popular show 🙂


sorry, not trying to be a hard ass. I support several podcasts and this will save them a ton of money


but I can’t just start promoting you guys with out knowing details.


Oh for sure!


I’m sorry if I came across as defensive 🙂


Will you guys have a representative at Podcast Movement in July in Philly?


You didnt


These are totally fair and good questions


You are being super helpful


Ok, you gave a ton of helpful info, and you are cheaper than Lib for sure. I will try you with a show, and see what my experience is like. Providing the experience is awesome, I will move all my clients over.


My podcast is specifically helping people launch their podcasts.


Oh awesome!


I promote libsyn in my instructions. So if it goes well, I will update all that information


do you have an affiliate program?


By the way, when you talk about your clients, are these folks you produce content for?




Because we do have some pretty amazing new features for studios/producers in your position,






do tell 🙂


Pippa offers a Team Management tool:


This lets you have a single central account for a comprehensive overview of all your shows.


But the idea is that your clients could have personal logins for their shows: so you’d be able to manage them all from a single dashboard, but you could set it so that they are each responsible for their own hosting costs.


Ok, so for my clients, I have them sign up and pay for their own instances of Libsyn. Mostly because I have to, but also I like them to own their own content incase they ever move to another producer or go on their own.


and that just answered the question I was about to ask 🙂


You’er good 🙂




ok so how would that work billing wise?




And the idea is that you don’t have to have a hundred logins


you can manage all their shows from your one account


would it be 144/year per show so I would have to have them pay for a Growth plan each?


also if I personally have more than one show my self, is it the same? I would treat each show like a managed account?


Each client would buy his/her own account, and yes, the annual plan is the most cost effective for them



For YOU, however, we would happily provide your central account for free, if you bring your clients to us




and what if I also have a show?


or more than one show


You personally? Nice!




I have “The Podcasters Podcast” and I am about to launch it. (I had one a few years back) but I also manage 4 right now and am looking to expand




and I have that domain podcasterspodcast.com 🙂




Well, if you’d be prepared to promote us, we’d gladly offer you hosting free for your personal shows 🙂


And I’m genuinely confident you’ll love using Pippa.


ok, I think you sold me.


good work. coming from sales, thats hard to get me 🙂 but it’s looking more and more like your site will stand out.


Thanks! Appreciate the compliment!


ok, so whats the best way for me to move forward?




Here’s the move:


Please sign up here for your personal account. Then I can provision the Pro features, and take off the restrictions on the back end.




I’m in!




Refresh your page


Sorry, another detail question…


more on payment. The copy says 12/mo (when billed annually) do you have a true month to month option and what is the cost?


I will probably be asked that by some of my clients


Yes—sure—If you look at the Pricing page: https://pippa.io/pricing


You’ll see it’s $15 per month on a strictly monthly basis


Nice, I totally missed the month/year slider




No prob!


ok, so I refreshed but I didnt see a difference


The difference is you can now import your podcasts 🙂


and you won’t be prompted to pay






so How do I bring over a client?


do I “Import” them


or is that a different process?


Yes—a little different.


Do you want to try it now?


I can walk you through it


Just get me started, I am talking to one of them right now. They are interested but I just want to understand the process


Sure, it’s extremely easy


  • Click Import An Existing Podcast


  • The podcast will be imported. Usually takes less than 2 minutes.


Ohh look at you doing some research and finding WCRStudios 🙂




  • Ping us on intercom to say that they’re with Wayne, and we’ll enable their account so you can complete the rest.


It’s extremely simple.


ok, so if they sign up with the referral code, then that links them to me automatically?


Not entirely automatic—they must also ping us on intercom to say that they’re with Wayne, and we’ll enable their account so you can complete the rest.


ok, so what about their payment? That is directly to you, and when will they be billed for the “Growth” plan?


Following the two week free trial.


oh awesome


yeah, the more you talk er type the more excited I get


I feel like I am joining you on a quest to crush Libsyn and take over the Podcasting world




Question. Would it be ok for me to publish parts of this conversation for a blog post / podcast episode?


Hi Wayne—sure thing!


awesome! I reached out to Kate Erickson from Kate’s Take and she is partners with John Lee Dumas From EOFire. I want to see if she wants to do a join post / episode on it. If she agrees, it will be awesome exposure!


Oh that’s a great idea!


I’ll keep you posted! Thanks for your help today


Super! Thanks!


hey do you have some survey or some way to give you awesome feedback that shows your bosses how awesome you are, in case they don’t already know? Or more likely to just be another Kudos in the pile 🙂


Oh that’s really kind—thanks! And don’t worry, we’re all a team here at Pippa—we all check these intercom logs, and it’s just a pleasure to help you out.


Awesome! Thanks again, I’ll post back here once I have word if Kate is in. Otherwise I will be doing the post anyway… Just a ton less social influence but at least some people will hear your praises.


Ah! Thanks!



Ok so, as you can see the conversation went well. I am loving Pippa and all the help I get from the staff. I hope that this helps you decide. If you have any other questions, please ask! I’m on facebook and twitter.

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The Podcasters Podcast © 2018
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