Your Website Needs a Privacy Policy

April 9, 2018
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Privacy Policies are those huge chunks of text that no one ever reads but are super important not only for your protection but for your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as well!

Relationships are key

Relationships? What does that have to do with a privacy policy? Well, if you and I were friends in real life and we were talking and let’s say I tell you something private like details about a health issue. Then you go and post it on Twitter or tell someone else about it… Well, that would make you a crappy friend. That hurts our relationship and Google, Facebook, and other social platforms are looking for clues that you care about people and less about taking their money. And if you do the same activity online, like if I come to your website and then you take my name and email and post it to a 3rd party vendor or just let it out into the wild, then you are a crappy website owner as well… Unless you have a policy in writing that tells me what you plan to do with my information.

Where to get a Privacy Policy

I DO NOT have a financial gain from this site but is an awesome resource and it’s where I got my privacy policy from. They are a free option (which is what I did) but there are also paid services that they offer.

You fill out a form and answer a bunch of questions. Then you create an account. Once you log in, you can download the policy that you just made for your site. If you are running a site that is powered by WordPress, you need to make it into a Page so it can be seen by search engines.

Hope that helps, now get to it.

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