4 is the magic number to launch!

April 12, 2018
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Launching with 4 episodes is the key to a successful launch

As you prepare for your podcast launch, you always run into the question “How many shows should I start with?” Well if you can take a hint based on the name of this post, the answer is 4. Why? Read on to find out!

4 seems like (too many/not enough)

Technically, you can launch with as few as 1 or as many as 1,000 episodes providing that they are not timely to current events. The reason 4 is the magic number is that for the past 5 years and for the foreseeable future, Apple iTunes is the major podcast consumption platform due to the popularity of the iPhone. The reason that this is important is that when you subscribe to a podcast, the Apple Podcast player will automatically download the first 3 episodes.

So if they download 3, why am I making 4? The reason is the Introductory episode. Podcasts download in numerical order and your very very first episode should be “Episode 000” This will be the first thing new listeners hear when they subscribe to your show.

The breakdown of a good introduction episode

So a good intro episode should be quick and to the point. Try not to go past 5 to 10 minutes. The idea is to introduce yourself, give the listener an idea of what you are about, and where you are planning on taking the show. A little chitchat is fine but please don’t ramble or have a full content episode.

See you in the podsphear!

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